Year 2 Home Learning – Friday 19th May

Home Learning

Please find attached a poem What is Pink? by Christina Rossetti. Please practise choral and echo reading of the poem with your child and try to encourage them to learn as much of it as possible. Think about the rhythm and expression. Poetry recitals will take place at the end of the week.

Please make sure your child has a FULL PE KIT in school. We are missing a lot!

Whilst sharing stories with your children this weekend, have a look at the following questions and ask your children questions about what they are reading. You can focus on Vocabulary and Inference. Use this bookmark to help you!

Remember that White Rose’s “1 minute maths app” can be downloaded to your phone to give the children an opportunity to practise their maths skills for just sixty seconds. There is also a parent chart to record their progress.

Your child’s new activity passport has also been created, so feel free to start working through this with your child.