Sport Premium


A Physical Education and Sports Grant is allocated to schools based on the number of children the school has on roll. The purpose of this funding is to improve and enhance the provision of PE across Primary Schools.

Our Vision

At Writtle Infant School we are fully committed to providing every pupil with access to the highest quality of Physical Education, together with developing our young children’s understanding of the importance and benefits, both physically and mentally, of a healthy and active lifestyle.

Alongside our engaging weekly PE lessons, we offer a variety of clubs (both before and after school) that provide our children opportunities to engage in sport/physical activity. Such clubs are run by staff and professional external coaches.

Objectives of Spend:

  • to improve the provision and quality of PE and Sport at WIS
  • to ensure that PE and School sport is judged as at least good by external monitoring
  • to develop our children’s love of sport and physical activity
  • to continue to develop a whole school ethos of good health and mental well-being
  • to increase the confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in the teaching of PE and sport
  • to provide our children the opportunities to engage in a variety of sporting activities
  • to increase participation in competitive sport (both ultra and inter) whilst promoting the values of teamwork, determination, respect and good sporting behaviour.

Summary of Primary Sport Premium 2022-23

We have continued to use the Sport Premium grant to create a sustainable curriculum for all our children. As ever, we like to invest in the professional development of staff through training and by observing specialist teachers in school. This year’s focus has been to improve standards in Dance across the school. At the beginning of the year all staff took part in a specialist dance workshop, to improve and develop knowledge and skills. The same dance specialist provided Julia Donaldson themed workshops across EYFS and KS1 for World Book Day, providing an opportunity to bring stories alive through dance. We also introduced a Cheerleading Club to KS1 for the very first time and competed in a competition. We finished the school year with African Dance and drumming workshops, led by specialists for KS1.

This year, children have had the opportunity to take part in intra and inter school competitions. In the Autumn term we hosted our very own World Cup, where children across all year groups mixed together to form sixteen teams, divided into four groups, culminating in a very exciting final! All outside sporting opportunities opened post-Covid and we were able to take part in many inter-school competitions organised through the Chelmsford School Sport Partnership (CSSP). Starting us off in the Autumn term was a group of seven SEND children who took part in a Boccia and New Age Kurling competition. This was followed by a mixed team of thirteen KS1 children taking part in a Cheerleading competition in the Spring term, along with sixteen Year 1 children taking part in Teddy Lympics. The Summer term gave us the opportunity to enter two mixed teams into a 3 tees cricket competition. One team made it through to the area final and by winning that secured a place in the County Finals. Meanwhile, all of our Year 2 children participated in a Mini Games Competition at Chelmsford Sports and Athletics Centre. The children were successful in all of these events and displayed fabulous positive sporting values.
Outside professionals were warmly invited back into school again this year, to help broaden the skills and development of our children, with a range of extracurricular sports clubs and expertise in PE lessons. Formal PE lessons were introduced to EYFS children, run by a sports specialist; these lessons have been extremely successful. We have also continued with our regular Yoga sessions across the school, throughout this academic year, to help with the children’s mindfulness and well being. This has continued to be enormously beneficial.

We opened our doors once more this summer and invited parents/grandparents/carers onto the school field to watch our Sports Day. The weather was kind and the children thoroughly enjoyed a balance of competitive and fun activities, working successfully in teams named after our School HIPIP values. A fun and inclusive morning was had by all and ended with a medal ceremony and much needed ice lollies to cool everyone down!

Over the course of this academic year, the Sport Premium has given both children and staff a range of sporting opportunities to experience, new/ updated knowledge and skills, to work alongside specialists, the use of new and exciting equipment as well as transportation to various sporting events and competitions.

PE & School Sport Co-ordinator: Mrs. J. Scott-Simons
Governor responsible for PE & School Sport: Mr. Matthew Coffey

Item/project Cost Outcome Evidence and Impact
Post protectors £1,000.00 Replacement of the old and worn current post protectors, to maintain safety in the playground areas whilst the children are being active. Posts that are holding up a canopy provide a sheltered area in the playgrounds. New padded protection will keep children safe around these areas.
Sports coaches £5,990.00 Yoga provides the whole school time for mindfulness and wellbeing lessons; Sports specialist, Jane Gowers teaches KS1 children one of their two PE lessons a week, following our planning and progression maps. Chris Michlaelides from CMXSC developing EYFS PE development on a weekly basis. Children and staff benefit enormously from having specialist PE teachers each week and the progression is evident.
Staff Release £13,000.00 Time given for PLT to ensure up to date curriculum planning, take children out to sporting events and give advice/help when needed. Time given also to attend valuable meetings with CSSP and attend to and sort new resources and equipment, along with organising and preparing for sports day. Experienced staff provide Forest School which is an outdoor active education. Staff have a progression map to follow in their teaching of PE. Year 1 and Year 2 children were given the opportunity to represent school in a variety of sporting events. New equipment has provided opportunity for children to develop skills; Sports Day gave them a fun and competitive whole school experience of competition whilst earning points for their team, in a safe and encouraging environment. This event improved the self-esteem of many pupils as it was inclusive along with it being a celebration of our gifted and talented children. Children from all year groups are provided with a Forest School Education, with a range of exciting equipment and resources to use.
Subscriptions £535.00 Chelmsford Schools Sports Partnership, Jump Start Jonny. Being part of CSSP has given us access to competitions, events and specialist coaching within school and against other schools, together with up to date knowledge, information and skills to pass on to staff, via online meetings and events, which in turn directly benefit the children in our school. Having direct access to Jump Start Jonny enables staff to keep children active in other areas of the curriculum, along with fun and energetic brain breaks.
Equipment for Forest School £548.38 Equipment to provide a variety of outdoor ‘active’ learning opportunities. Rope Tree Swing, hanging kit, arch, tree swing, slackline, knives, obstacle course All children from all year groups are provided with Forest School Education and have access to a range of exciting equipment and resources to use in our dedicated Forest School area.
PE equipment £3,105.00 Large storage boxes, Skipping ropes, Team Building Walker sets, Playground Balls, Bean Bags, First Play Tap Sticks, Cardio Drumming Noodles, Cheerleading Pom Poms, Whistles, egg power grip, PE screen dividers, Blazepod Schools Bundle, Football Trophies, Cheerleading Accessories, Walking board, Cruiser Lightweight Balance bikes x2, Mini-Cruiser Lightweight Balance bikes x2, Stepping Stones x2, Stepping Buckets x2,Catch and Balance Bands, Hi Stepper Kit x2 New equipment and resources have enriched individual PE and Sport lessons, and added a professional look for the Cheerleading Club, plus enabled Sports Day to run smoothly. All children were awarded badges or stickers on completion of Sports Day events, whilst the first 3 finalists of each race were awarded trophies.
Workshops £1,160.00 Staff Dance Workshop, Staff Cheerleading Workshop, Julia Donaldson Dance Workshop (whole School), African Dance and Drumming Workshop (KS1) Successful training given to staff to enrich the curriculum and develop professional development. Dance workshops gave children the opportunity to further their rhythmic ability and joy of dance.
Coach Travel £529.00 Coach/taxi/minibus travel to a variety of CSSP sporting events. Safe transport to and from sporting events.
Total Sport Premium carried forward from 2021-22  £9,806.00
Total Premium Received 2022-23 £17,190.00
Total spend 2022-23 £25,867.38
Total carry forward to 2023-24 £5,178.00