Assessment & Reports
Reporting to Parents
We hold two Parents’ Evenings in the Autumn and Spring terms, to update parents on their children’s progress. Parents in Foundation Stage have constant access to their child’s Tapestry online learning journal, and in our weekly newsletter each year group gives a brief synopsis of the learning that has taken place in class. We hold general parents meetings at the beginning of the school year to outline the curriculum and further meetings to inform parents about curriculum milestones such as the phonics screening and Key Stage 1 assessments. Parents are invited to read in class with their child on a monthly basis and each term we hold Family Learning Time, when parents join in with a class lesson. At any time, parents may request a phone call, email or in-person meeting with their child’s class teacher.
At the end of each academic year every parent receives a detailed annual report. The report includes comments on the progress made in all curriculum areas; suggestions on how to promote further success and an attendance record, showing the number of unauthorised and authorised absences during the year.
The children also write a report about themselves. Parents are invited to comment on the report they have received and to advise us of any achievements their child has made in any other activities. Parents can make an appointment to discuss the annual report if they wish.
Assessment at the end of Foundation Stage
The ‘EYFS Profile’ summarises and describes children’s attainment at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Assessments are based primarily on observation of children’s daily activities and events at school and will also take account of a range of perspectives including those of the child, parents, carers and other adults who have significant interactions with the child. Children’s development and progress will be captured in their online ‘Learning Journey’ which tells the ‘story’ of their time in Foundation Stage.
A completed EYFS Profile consists of 20 items of information: the attainment of each child assessed in relation to the 17 Early Learning Goals (ELGs), together with a short narrative describing the child’s learning characteristics. For each ELG the staff will judge whether the children are meeting the level of development expected at the end of the Foundation Stage (expected), exceeding this level (exceeding), or not yet reaching this level (emerging). This information will be shared with the Year 1 teachers and will also be used to form an end of year report for parents.
Writtle Infant School EYFS Good Level of Development (GLD) 2024
Writtle Infant School GLD 2024 | National 2024 |
73.2% | 67.7% |
Year 1 & 2 Phonics Screening Check
The phonics screening check is an assessment completed in the summer term to confirm whether individual children have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard. That is, children can recognise the sounds that individual letters / combinations of letters make in words and can blend them together to read new words they see or hear. The check is for all Year 1 pupils and children in Year 2 who previously did not meet the standard of the check in Year 1. Results of this check are shared with parents at the end of an academic year.
Writtle Infant School Phonics Screening Results 2024
Writtle Infant School – Year One 2024 | National – Year One 2024 |
82% | 80% |
Key Stage 1 Assessment
In the spring/summer terms of your child’s final year at the infant school (Year 2), the children are assessed by their class teacher in reading, writing, mathematics and science. Prior to the assessments taking place, parents are invited into school to discuss the procedures with the Year 2 teachers. Individual standards achieved are included in the children’s annual reports. Below is a summary of the school’s results compared to national results.
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