Message from Mrs. Castell

Thank you so much for your support on World Book Day! It has been two years since we were able to celebrate reading in this way and it was lovely to have so many parents join us for storytime in class. If you enjoyed coming into the classrooom, can I remind you that our Reading Mondays resume on Monday 7th March, from 8.45 until 9.15.
A huge thank you to our enthusiastic WISPA team who helped organise events on World Book Day and provided prizes. The book cover competition was incredibly difficult to judge, but the winners are: Dylan in Foxes, Eden in Squirrels, Eden-Rose in Parrots, Noah in Turtles, Layla in Sharks and Alma in Dolphins. The deadline for orders from Usborne Books has been extended to next Friday 11th March, so if you have any last minute orders you can buy online here: If you do wish to place an order please email it through to Kimberley at or contact her on 07850431293.
We had our annual Healthy Schools audit this week and were highly praised for several aspects of our practice, including Forest School, our PE provision and our well-being strategies.
On Wednesday, twelve of our Year Two children attended a tag rugby tournament at Beaulieu Park School. They did brilliantly, winning 3 of their 4 games. My thanks go to Mrs Scott-Simons and Miss Wakeling for accompanying the children, we look forward to more inter-school sports events to come in the next few weeks. Another sporting success story came for Miss Wakeling, as she received news this week that she had been selected for the GB Women's Ice Hockey team competing in the World Championship tournament in Spain from 2nd April.
Please remember that emails which need to be actioned during the school day, such as pick up arrangements, must be sent to rather than the class email accounts. Teachers do not monitor their emails during the day as they have the children in class.
Finally a reminder that we are welcoming parent volunteers back into school again, so if you volunteered before and wish to return, please contact the class teacher concerned to agree a time.
Warm regards
Helen Castell
Message from Reverend Tony at All Saints' Church
We will be holding a Contemporary Service in response to the invasion of Ukraine this coming Saturday 5 March, 5pm, at All Saints' Church in Writtle.
It will be a time to come together for prayer, reflection, listening to some contemporary music and having space to hold the people of Ukraine in our hearts before God.
The service will last approximately 30 minutes and we invite you to come as families, as we actively do what we can to stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers whose lives have been turned upside down.
I hope to see you then, and in the meantime may you know God's closeness in your own lives.
Reverend Tony
- A reminder that we love to share awards, medals, trophies, even anecdotes from children’s achievements outside of school. Please hand them to me or email for assemblies on Friday.
- Diary dates and school events can added from our website to the calendar on your phone. Click on your chosen list of dates from the Links section and then click export at the bottom of the page.
DOLPHINS - Rowan and Aria for their independence in making fabulous cakes in their home learning!
PARROTS - Rowan H for perseverance with his writing and Joe P for increasing his independence when getting changed for P.E. Also Jude for perseverance!
TURTLES - Franklyn M for showing inclusivity at lunch time. Also Erol and Noah for perseverance!
SQUIRRELS - Noah for persevering with phonics and Ava for politeness - she always remembers her manners!
FOXES - Felix for perseverance with his wonderful spaceman drawing! Avia for her great independence skills!
Finally to the whole of the tag rugby team for their politeness and lovely manners when visiting another school - Leo, Hope, Aria, Una, Roman and Coen in Dolphins and Zachary, Henry D, Blythe, Nuala, Evelyn and Michael in Sharks. Well done everyone!
Year 2 News
A special mention to our Year 2 tag rugby team who managed 3 wins and 1 draw in their matches against Beaulieu Park Primary School. We are so proud of you!
The children have enjoyed finding out a bit more about life in the time of The Great Fire of London. Well done to all those children who bought in their home learning to share. We were all fascinated to learn how different life was in 1666. They also had fun writing captions for some paintings and illustrations from The Great Fire of London text. Everyone is still mastering Geometry by sorting shapes, identifying repeating patterns and recognising lines of symmetry, which some children found tricky. Music even had a fiery theme this week. We used the rhyme ‘London’s Burning’ to sing in a round using different dynamics. A range of World Book Day related activities took place. It was lovely to see so many of you for the reading session. We even managed to learn about Shrove Tuesday and St David’s Day. What a busy week!
Click here for this week's home learning.
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Year 1 News
This week we have explored the front cover of our new book ‘How to Find Gold’. We also completed lots of fun World Book Day activities, such as watching ‘World Book Day Live with Matilda and Friends’. We have begun to measure weight and mass using the words heavier and lighter, and using balancing scales and comparing the weight of different objects in the class. We have also been learning about Sikhism and what Sikhs believe.
Click the link for this week's home learning.
Our email addresses are and
This week our poem was called ‘ Pancakes’ and we have enjoyed learning about why we have pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. We especially enjoyed eating the pancakes! We also discussed the toppings we had on our pancakes at home. We have learnt some pancake songs, dances and a rap this week. In PE we balanced some paper pancakes on different body parts and had some pancake races! Some of us were very good at flipping the pancakes! In phonics we learnt the digraphs ur, ow and oi and in maths we looked at the composition of 8. Yesterday we had great fun, we enjoyed a book quiz, listening to stories, watching the videos of our book reviews and tracing our favourite book covers. What a busy week. Have a great weekend everyone.
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