On Monday, Mrs Scott-Simons and Miss Wakeling took 15 very excited Year 2 children to play in a 3 tees cricket competition at New Hall School. Our two teams played extremely well and showed such determination. They proved themselves to be amazing ambassadors to our school in the way they played and in the respect they showed to each other and to their opponents. Our teams came 2nd and 4th in their groups and we are now proudly taking one team forward to the area finals in May. Thank you to those parents who were able to come and support our players and to the sunshine too - who shone brightly over us all afternoon! It was a perfect afternoon for cricket! Certificates were given in assembly this morning to all the children who took part.
I know it feels like it's still early in the term, but we are starting to think about how the children will transition to their next year group, whether this is within our school or moving up to the Junior school. Our EYFS staff have started to visit local pre-schools and nurseries to prepare for the arrival of our September intake, while the Year 2 staff are making arrangements for our Dolphins and Sharks to start visiting the Junior School. We will not mix children into new classes in any year group, so please be assured the children will still be with their current friends and they will have lots of preparation for the new academic year.
Trips for each year group have now been planned and further details will be sent to parents in the coming days. Dates are in our events calendar. We also have a very exciting opportunity to take a few lucky Year 2 children to the 2024 Wimbledon Championships for the day! More information will follow about how to apply for a place.
Finally thank you to those of you who attended Messy Church on Sunday, Reverend Tony was delighted to see so many wonderful pets there! The next Messy Church will be on Sunday 26th May.
Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend. We look forward to seeing you again on Tuesday morning.
Best wishes
Tracey Wilson
Essentials for next week
Now that we are in the summer term, please name any new uniform and ensure the children suitable protection for all weathers including water bottles, sun hats, raincoats and sunscreen applied before school.
- Thank you for providing an additional snack! Please make sure any snack boxes are named, as a few are going missing.
- Please try to take good care of our school reading books as they are very expensive. Thank you to parents who have generously replaced books that have been damaged.
- Our Lost Property box in reception is overflowing. Please check for any missing items and ensure that you label all clothing and footwear.
- We are lucky to benefit from many parent helpers in school, as well as governors like Mrs Gentle and Reverend Tony who come to read with the children regularly. If you are interested in volunteering, please speak to the office.
- Please check the diary dates for details of upcoming events.
Message from WISPA
Bag2School collection bags came home this week, so please start gathering together your unwanted, clean clothes, accessories, shoes and household linens. Each bag will be accompanied by details of what to include in your donation, and also via this link: https://bag2school.com/what-
Donation bags can be dropped off before school on Monday 13th May.
Paint & Sip
Only 6 places left to book at the next Paint & Sip event on Saturday 18th May 7-9pm, at The Rose & Crown. Join us for an evening of artist-led painting with the lovely Effy - book via the link;
Discounted Tickets
A gentle reminder that we have heavily discounted tickets for Barleylands and Adventure Island for sale - online purchase via the links below. Any purchases will be delivered to the school for your child to bring home.
Barleylands tickets: https://square.link/u/
Adventure Island Wristbands: https://square.link/u/
Home Learning
Please follow the links below to access this week's home learning and topic maps for Years 1 and 2.
Year 1 Home Learning
Year 2 Home Learning
Highlights of the week
Year 2
This week the children have learnt about whole, half, thirds and quarters in maths and thoroughly enjoyed themselves creating Jackson Pollock inspired ‘drip-style’ paintings! They have also developed their inference skills in English.
Year 1
Year 1 have been philosophers this week thinking about the big question: How did the universe come to be? They have also been very creative, learning about the artist Peter Thorpe and taking inspiration for their own rocket themed, space paintings.
This week has been all about frogs! The children have really enjoyed cutting, sticking, writing and jumping around like frogs. We have also been working out tricky missing number challenges in maths and we are whizzing along with phonics too!
Keeping Children Safe
- Emergency contact details must be up to date. Please email us at parents@writtleinfantschool.com if your details have changed.
- Any food brought to school must not contain nuts or egg-based foods (e.g. egg mayo, scotch egg, omelette etc.).
- We all have a duty to safeguard the children in our care. If you have any concerns about a child, please contact the school, the Chairs of Governors (if your concern is about a member of teaching staff), or the Essex Child and Families Hub on 0345 603 7627.
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