Forest School – Autumn 2 Week 5

We had a lovely fresh, sunny day, with lots of physical activity to keep our bodies warm. We started by going on a treasure hunt. The fairies left a gold coin for each child, how thoughtful of them! They were really well hidden though, so we looked for quite a while. Next we painted pine cones, ready for a secret surprise. There was lots of balancing today, using the wood beams and slack line. The children helped each other across, which was so lovely to see. We also did some mud stencilling and played in the mud kitchen, on the swings and in the little house. The children laid in the hammock for a cosy, mindful moment, just swaying and listening to the birds (our resident robin is always around). We looked at how beautiful nature can be, observing the pattern on a snail shell. The children said they had never noticed how pretty snail shells were before. At the end of the day, all you want to do is lay in a wheelbarrow covered in leaves. Give it a go at home!