Year 2 Home Learning – Friday 28th April

Home Learning

Watch the following clips for tips on how to improve your writing. Don’t worry that the videos are designed for KS2 children. They are more than capable of using synonyms and expanded noun phrases and this will make their writing even better! There are some activities that go alongside the videos too.
BBC Bitesize: Exploring synonyms and antonyms
BBC Bitesize: What is an expanded noun phrase?

Please practise learning your doubles and halves. It will really help with their fractions and division work.

Any chance to practise telling the time will be useful as we will be looking at this next week.

Remember that White Rose’s “1 minute maths app” can be downloaded to your phone to give the children an opportunity to practise their maths skills for just sixty seconds. There is also a parent chart to record their progress.

Your child’s new activity passport has also been created, so feel free to start working through this with your child.