Message from Mrs. Castell
Dear Parents,
This week we were delighted to hold induction meetings for parents of children starting in September. It is lovely to have visitors in person. Mr Taylor, Headteacher of the Junior school joined us for assembly on Monday as part of the getting to know you process for Year 2's transition to the Junior School. We have given details of the Year 3 teachers to our Year 2 parents and I am also now in a position to confirm our Infant School teachers for September.
Foxes - Mrs Fisk
Squirrels - Mrs Giles
Parrots - Miss Wilson
Turtles - Miss Smith
Dolphins - Mrs Wilson/Mrs Scott-Simons
Sharks - Miss Wright

We are delighted to have recruited Miss Smith (pictured) to cover Mrs Espinosa-Pardo’s maternity leave. She was a student with us previously, so she already knows our school well, which is an enormous bonus! She is currently teaching in a local primary school, but will be with us for our Class Swap day on 13th July and for our Meet the Teacher session on July 19th at 3.15. This is for parents of children going into Years One and Two.
Thank you to the staff who took our Year 2 team to the 3 Tees Cricket final this week. We were delighted with our result of 6th place in the county overall! When you consider that 400 schools took part in the heats, it is amazing. Congratulations to our incredible cricketers!
The practice for Sports Day went brilliantly today and we very much look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday morning. Please remember to read ask your child which team they are in and have a read through our Sports Day Plan 2022! Unfortunately due to Sports Day there will be no Forest School lessons for Dolphins class on Tuesday.
Each year group is rehearsing for their end of year assembly. A reminder of the dates - Friday 1st July for Year 1, Thursday 14th July for EYFS and Friday 15th July for Year 2. Each assembly starts at 9.30am and should take no more than 1 hour. Due to space in the hall we can only permit 2 spectators per family and unfortunately no younger siblings. Further details will be published closer to the time.
All year groups have a school trip planned this term, please ensure that you have consented via ParentMail and made a contribution to the cost of the trip if requested.
All children are due to receive a special commemorative book about the Platinum Jubilee today, please look out for it in book bags! There are no awards today due to our Sports Day practice this morning, but our usual Friday celebration assembly returns next week, if your children have any achievements they would like to share.
Thank you so much for your donations for the Summer Fayre today. There is just one week to go! WISPA and WJSPA would be delighted if you can spare any time, even half an hour, to help set up, man a stall or clear away at the end. We hope to raise much needed funds for our library. Raffle tickets have been sent home today, please ask at the office if you need more, or you can buy them at the Fayre.
Enjoy the remainder of the sunshine today and have a good weekend.
Kind regards
Helen Castell
- Lodge Road will not be covered by a School Crossing Patrol officer from Monday 20th June until the end of term. Please take extra care.
- Teachers cannot always check the class email during the day. Please send urgent messages to
- We love to share awards, medals, trophies, even anecdotes from children’s achievements outside of school. Please hand them to me or email for assemblies on Friday.
- Diary dates and school events can added from our website to the calendar on your phone. Click on your chosen list of dates from the Links section and then click export at the bottom of the page.
Year 2 News
Well done to our Dolphins cricket team who in the finals came 6th out of the whole county! This week we have continued on our ‘African Adventures’. We have been exploring Kenya and the children created their own fact files and information booklets after researching information from different sources. We have been so impressed with their enthusiasm and desire to find out as much as they can. We are continuing to learn about different measurements and this week have introduced capacity and volume. In PSHE, we have been exploring different emotions including jealousy, frustration and anxiety in addition to happy, sad and angry. We are aware that some of these feelings may be evident during Sports Day and up to transition. We are trying different strategies to help us return to the green zone (calm, happy and ready to learn). Obviously, we have also been preparing for Sports Day too. We are praying for good weather on Tuesday and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
REMINDER: Please make sure the children wear trainers every day and have a full PE kit in school, as we’re using every available opportunity to prepare for Sports Day.
Click here for this week's home learning.
Our email addresses are and
Year 1 News
This week in English we have continued with ‘Grandma Bird’. The children thought about the characters of Noi and Grandma and considered how it would feel to live alone on an island. We have also started thinking about our island and seaside theme linked to the class text. In maths, we have compared and ordered numbers within 100. We have held the heats for our Sports Day races in preparation for the finals next week and have been practising our end of year assembly.
Click the link for this week's home learning.
Our email addresses are and
This week we have been learning about babies! We loved having visits from Mrs Giles' grandson and Miss Charlick's niece. We learnt about the things babies can and can't do and what babies need. We really enjoyed trying to guess who was who with the baby photos and we talked about the timeline of a child. We also learnt about floating and sinking this week using items linked to our theme of babies like a dummy, a duck, a safety pin and some baby nail clippers. In Maths we have been learning about the number 16 and spatial awareness, looking at shapes. In Phonics we have practised ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo (long) writing and reading words and sentences. We have been practising for Sports Day and we are looking forward to showing our skills on Tuesday! Have a lovely weekend.
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